Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Food activism article

A while ago, a couple of people asked if there was a link available to the article on food activism that I wrote for Sunday magazine, but there wasn't. (Often Sunday articles go up on stuff.co.nz, but this one didn't.)

So anyhow, I've put it up on a file sharing site, in case anyone is still interested. It's here.


Nik said...

I meant to comment on this last night but got distracted lol. Great article (would you be able to email me a copy to keep as a reference if that's ok with you?). All fantastic things I've looked at over the years. I used to read the Weston Price stuff a few years back on various things. I'm interested that you get bulk butter. Wow. I am also part of a Chantals co-op (and get their weekly vege box) with some local Steiner mums, but we've only made one order so far. Have a meeting with them on Friday, might float the idea of butter too.

Johanna Knox said...

Hi Nikki - yes absolutely - shall I just send you a pdf? Or I could p.copy the article and post, then you'd get all the pretty pictures too. :o)

What other bulk stuff do you get from Chantals? Do you get grains? Anything else? Would be interested to know which items you have found worth buying in bulk.

Nik said...

Just a PDF is fine (although I'm sure the purdy pictures are lovely lol).

I haven't bought any bulk grain/flour items yet, but I know some in the group have. Not sure how they found it. I'm going to get a whole outer of 3kg size tins of tomatoes for myself I think - should keep me going for a year - or until my own are grown at least. I probably use 3x400gm tins a week. We did have problems with items not being in stock which was a shame. Or to get the best price, not being able to fill an outer, so not getting anything. I think we'll look at the next price range where we can order what we want so we still get the variety.

Johanna Knox said...

What's an outer?

Nik said...

Oh, the outer is the bulk purchase for things like a 12 pack of tinned tomatoes or 12 bottles of apple cider vinegar. You get a cheaper price if you purchase the whole outer instead of splitting it.

Johanna Knox said...

Ah, of course! I was imagining it was a technical term for some type of special bulk container or box!

So would you open up a big tin of toms every fortnight or so, and empty it into another big container once open? Or divide it up into portions? Would you keep it all in the fridge, or some in the feeezer? I'm just interested, as we use a lot of tinned tomatoes too, and I'm wondering if bulk buying them would work for us ...

Nik said...

I would divide it into approx. 400gm containers and freeze. I've done that with the big tins of chickpeas from Moore Wilson before and it worked well.